"When I have the time, I'd like to __________ ." Fill in the blank, and you've probably spoken those very words lately.
We all have "To-Do" lists for our lives, but careers, children and a host of other responsibilities always come first.
Then one day a little voice inside says: "Now's the time." When that day comes for you, there's no better place to get
started. If you've dreamed it, chances are you can do it. Right here. Right now. In the Leesburg area. We have so many
exciting activities, classes and recreational opportunities; it takes many activities directors to keep up with them.
And large clubhouses to house them.
- 18-Hole Golf Courses!
- PGA golf professionals on staff
- Lighted Tennis Courts
- World Class Fitness Centers
- Men's & Women's Wet and Dry Saunas
- Pickle Ball
- Bocce Ball
- Softball
- Beautiful Lakes
- Great Fishing
- Drama Clubs
- Computer Clubs
- Broadway Caliber Shows
- Ballroom Dancing
- Billiards
- Large Swimming Pools
- Crafts
- Full-Time Activity Directors
- Many Weekly Supervised Activities